Kentucky Big Truck Lawyer’s Legal Advice On Pressuring Truck Insurers For Fair Wrongful Death Settlement

Oct 30, 2023

When a wrongful death occurs due to a big truck accident, the legal process can become complex and emotionally challenging. Kentucky Big Truck Lawyer Rob Morrin provides valuable insights on how to put pressure on the semi-insurance company to secure a fair settlement in such cases.

Act Proactively

Morrin stresses the importance of being proactive. To apply pressure on the insurance company, it’s crucial to send a letter of preservation promptly. This letter ensures that crucial evidence related to the case is preserved and cannot be destroyed or altered. Being proactive helps in maintaining the integrity of the evidence, which is vital for a successful legal process.

Leverage Legal Tools

To protect your rights and the interests of the deceased’s family, Morrin advises sending a notice under the Kentucky Uniform Voidable Transactions Act. This notice aims to freeze the assets of the responsible party, preventing them from disposing of their assets, such as trucks and contracts. This legal tool is a crucial step to ensure that the responsible party cannot evade their financial responsibilities in the event of a wrongful death.

Prevent Asset Disposal

Morrin highlights a concerning tactic sometimes employed by trucking companies after an accident – selling all their assets and filing for bankruptcy. By freezing their assets with a legal notice, you can prevent them from using this approach. This ensures that the assets can still be leveraged to compensate the affected parties for their loss.

In the event of a wrongful death due to a big truck accident, it’s essential to act proactively, use legal tools like the notice of preservation, and prevent the disposal of assets. This way, you can apply the necessary pressure on the insurance company and the responsible party to secure a fair wrongful death settlement that adequately addresses the losses and damages suffered by the victim’s family. An experienced attorney like Rob Morrin can guide you through this complex process.

If you live in Richmond,Kentucky, and would like to hire Rob for your Big Truck cases, visit Rob Morrin’s profile on the Esquire Elite website here:

Disclaimer: The information in this article is not intended to be legal advice. Each situation is different, and the insurance laws in your state may differ from those discussed in this article. Please seek the advice of a professional for any questions related to your specific situation.

Robert Morrin

Robert Morrin

Kentucky Big Truck Attorney

Rob Morrin, a dedicated big truck attorney in Richmond, Kentucky, is committed to justice and making a positive impact. With a focus on protecting his clients' rights, Rob founded the Morrin Law Office to provide compassionate and reliable advocacy. He earned his law degree at Salmon P. Chase College of Law and established the firm to help injured individuals who were unfairly treated by insurance companies. Recognized for his exceptional abilities, Rob is a member of the National Trial Lawyers: Top 40 Under 40 and has received various accolades. He actively engages in promoting fair elections and is a published author. With a passion for the outdoors and family time, Rob is ready to fight for his clients' rights and provide personalized representation.

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